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Beethoven X DAO


DOCS-dao-framework DeFi is about so much more than finance. It is the evolution of governance and the progression of collaboration.

The DAO framework aims to ensure an inclusive decision-making process that is also streamlined and efficient. The Beethoven X DAO is a Ludwig-centric, efficient and resilient system.

The Beethoven X DAO is a leap into a synergetic future.

The DAO aims to do so with 4 core pillars:

  1. Music Director Committee
  2. Guide Tone Committee
  3. Delegate program
  4. Ludwigs


  • The voting period should remain open for a default of 72 hours (three days). The proposer can request that it stays open for a longer period of time.

  • All Snapshot votes require a minimum of 4 million votes to reach a quorum.

  • If a vote is passed but does not reach a quorum, the result will not be implemented and things will continue as is until a new vote is launched. This new vote can be done within 24h but will still be required to meet the quorum requirements.

Emergency Vote Procedure

  • In rare instances, an emergency proposal and vote (Emergency Proposal) can be put forward that need not adhere to the standard time frames.
  • An Emergency Proposal can go to vote as soon as the minimum requirements have been met. The voting period will be determined by the Music Directors.
  • Emergency Proposals will be announced at least twice in the Discord announcements channel and on another social media channel (e.g. Twitter), it should be identified as an “Emergency Proposal” with a shortened proposal discussion and voting period. The two Emergency Proposal announcements will identify the applicable discussion period.
  • The voting period for Emergency Proposals will be announced at least twice in the Discord announcements channel and on another social media channel (e.g. Twitter) and should be identified as a “Vote on an Emergency Proposal” with a shortened voting period. The two Vote on Emergency Proposal announcements will identify the applicable voting time period.
  • Emergency Proposals can only be used when there is an attack on the DAO, an extremely time sensitive matter that if not addressed is likely to substantially harm the DAO, the Protocol, and/or cause a loss of user funds, or something to that equivalent. For clarification, loss of funds = users deposits on BeethovenX or draining of treasury funds and/or liquidity provider returns (protocol fee adjustment).